
Dr. Péter Bodor-Pesti is an associate professor in the Department of Viticulture. His main research area is ampelography (foliometry, uvometry) based on digital image analysis and RGB-based remote sensing.

Research keywords:
remote sensing, ampelometry, morphometry




The presence of meltwater is essential for high mountain life. In an extremely cold, dry, and UV-radiated environment, such as permafrost soils in the Atacama desert, the adaptation, prevalence and ecology of soil organisms are good indicators of climate change-derived environmental changes.


Effect of forestry treatments on forest site, regeneration and biodiversity

Since 2014, we have compared the forestry treatments of shelterwood and continuous cover forestry. Based on two long-term experiments, we would like to answer the question of how the various forestry treatments affect the forest site, the forest biodiversity, and the regeneration of the stands.


Dr. Péter Bodor-Pesti
Institute for Viticulture and Oenology
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Villányi rd. 29-43.

MTMT: 10030287
Scopus: 57678890900