
Dr. Anikó Seres is mainly interested in soil biota, especially soil animals, soil processes, and their changes during human activities. Different agricultural activities contribute to changes in soil quality both chemically and physically. The ecotoxicology of soil animals investigates the effects of different xenobiotics on soil animal mortality, reproduction, behaviour, and changes in ecosystem services as a summary of soil processes. She investigates the effects of solar panels, agricultural chemicals, drugs, modelled drought treatments, and tillage practices on soil organisms.

Research keywords:
ecotoxicology, soil ecology, decomposition, mesofauna, zoology



Project no. 1.: Effect of different drought treatments on the decomposition of dead organic matter in soil 

Since 2014, we have been investigating organic matter decomposition in dry grassland soils in Fülöpháza under different simulated drought treatments together with colleagues from the Centre for Ecological Research. 


Project no. 2.: Impact of solar parks on biodiversity and ecosystem services of soil fauna 

In this new project, we are investigating the potential soil biological impacts of solar parks with colleagues from the Centre for Ecological Research. We compare the diversity and disturbance of soil under and between panels and on a control plot. 


Dr. Anikó Seres
Institute for Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation
Campus address: H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1.

MTMT: 10022982
Scopus: 15133439600