
Dr Gábor Markó is a behaviour ecologist who works at the Institute of Plant Protection. His expertise covers several fields of study and reflects a multidisciplinary approach to agricultural, ecological and behavioural sciences. Dr. Markó's research program is diverse and aims to understand the different aspects of complex ecological systems and their interactions with human activities. He uses various model organisms in urban, agricultural and natural habitats to address these issues. One of his current areas of focus is deepening our understanding of plant pathogen infection mechanisms and the factors that affect it. This research could be crucial in preventing and controlling the spread of harmful organisms. Dr. Markó actively participates in various international scientific collaborations.

Research keywords:
agroecology, plant-pathogen interactions, behaviour ecology, biodiversity, biostatistics, evolutionary biology, plant protection, urbanization



Dr. Gábor Markó
Institute of Plant Protection
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Villányi rd. 29-43.

MTMT: 10017565
Scopus: 25640293900