
Dr. József Zsembeli's research focuses on the impact of land use on soil CO2 emissions and organic carbon stocks, with a focus on cultivating farming systems tailored to the agroecological conditions of the Great Hungarian Plain. He formulates soil protection methodologies to safeguard against adverse effects. As part of his research he also investigates how soil water and material cycles to alleviate the impact of abiotic stress factors on plants. Development of soil- and water-conserving cultivation techniques. Furthermore he evaluates the effect of irrigation on crops and the physical and chemical attributes of soils. He obserbing water and salt balance within soil lysimeters and creates pedological and hydrological assessments within the primary soil types prevalent in the Great Hungarian Plain.


Research keywords:
polymer metal dry sliding systems, micro nanofibre, agricultural entomology



The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile

Environmental Science

The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile

Soil Science

The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile


Training of farmers V4 in techniques for environmental protection and soil water management

In 2018 a group of universities, given in the application, did a successful research on a project no. within the Visegrad Fund. The outputs were in a written form provided electronically on web pages of the project free to download for public. The objective of the project is to widen information about the results of the above mentioned project to the widest target group. The project will be realized especially in the form of practical seminars and lectures in all the countries of the V4.In the proposed project, there is a rotation of previously cooperating partners, the coordinator of the project becomes the University of Agriculture in Nitra.


Dr. József Zsembeli
Research Institute of Karcag
Campus address: H-5300 Karcag, Kisújszállási str. 166.

MTMT: 10010963
Scopus: 16318287700