
Dr. Viktória Szente's main research interests are in the fields of niche food markets (organic, local, traditional), short food supply chains, sustainable consumption, and tourism. Since 2007 she has participated in numerous international projects focused on organic foods, sustainable tourism, and short food supply chains in Hungary as well as in national and international conferences. Since 20018 she has been also an external advisor at Kislépték Cooperation. She is the author of more than 90 scientific publications. Leader of Master's degree course in Marketing. Editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed international journal “Food, nutrition and Marketing” and member of the editorial board in case of 4 other journals. Member of the Agricultural Economics Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Program Leader of the Doctoral School of Economics and Organizational Sciences at MATE.

Research keywords:
food marketing, local food, short supply chain, sustainable consumption behavior, ecotourism


Local Foods, short food supply chain

Growing couch potatoes? The impact of COVID-19 in the light of personal values in Hungary



Food Marketing (functional, traditional and organic food markets)

The influence of lifestyle on health behavior and preference for functional foods


SMARTCHAIN “Towards Innovation – driven and smart solutions in short food supply chains"

SMARTCHAIN’s 43 partners coming from 11 European countries worked for 3 years to support the shift towards collaborative SFSCs by linking scientists with practitioners and different actors in the sector. SMARTCHAIN project “Towards Innovation – driven and smart solutions in short food supply chains” was coordinated by the University of Hohenheim and received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 773785.


Costs and benefits of local food

One of the striking findings in the local food literature is that consumer motivations are significantly scattered about buying local food. Another stream of research, argues farms producing local food are spending more on labor and other inputs than their commercialized counterparts. These results suggest that local food production can create new jobs and have a proportionally greater overflow effect on the local economy than non-local food production. The benefits of local food proposed by consumers and politicians are challenged by some of the newer economic research, while others point to the shortcomings of economic critique.

Comprehensive educational support of food-service providers facilitating demand on emerging special dietary restrictions consumer market

The overall goal of the project is to improve the availability of training in the SPECIAL DIETARY RESTRICTIONS CONSUMER MARKET, to develop and implement training programs, a creative student camp - workshop, panel discussion for students, entrepreneurs and academia, as well as an innovation student workshop from the food production segment, an idea competition for the compilation of tourist product packages targeting special dietary needs, workshop on different dietary approaches


Prof. Dr. Viktória Szente
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
Campus address: H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba Sándor str. 40.

MTMT: 10002176
Scopus: 36605211400