
Dr. Zoltán Tóth is involved in running several long-term field experiments to study the effect of different rates and forms of fertilizers, soil tillage and crop rotation as well as different systems of organic matter and crop residue management on either crop productivity or soil chemical, physical and biological properties.

Research keywords:
long-term field experiments, fertilization, tillage, crop rotation, soil fertility, soil organic carbon, soil biodiversity, agricultural vocational education




The most important aims the iSqaper project worked on are to:

  • Integrate existing soil quality related information
  • Synthesize the evidence for agricultural management effects provided by long-term field trials
  • Derive and identify innovative soil quality indicators that can be integrated into an easy-to-use interactive soil quality assessment tool
  • Develop, with input from a variety of stakeholders, a multilingual Soil Quality Application (SQAPP) for in-field soil quality assessment and monitoring
  • Test, refine, and roll out SQAPP across Europe and China as a new standard for holistic assessment of agricultural soil quality
  • Use a trans-disciplinary, multi-actor approach to validate and support SQAPP


SOILCARE - For profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe

The overall aim of SoilCare was to identify and evaluate promising soil-improving cropping systems and agronomic techniques that increase the profitability and sustainability of agriculture across Europe.


LEX4BIO - Optimising bio-based fertilisers in agriculture

LEX4BIO aims to achieve this goal by collecting and processing regional nutrient stock, flow, surplus and deficiency data, and reviewing and assessing the required technological solutions. Socioeconomic benefits and limitations to increase substitution of mineral fertiliser for BBFs will be analysed. A key result of LEX4BIO will be a universal, science-based toolkit for optimising the use of BBFs in agriculture and to assess their environmental impact in terms of non-renewable energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and LCA impact.


SOILGUARD - Sustainable soil management to unleash soil biodiversity potential and increase environmental , economic and social well-being 

SOILGUARD envisages a future where the conservation of soil biodiversity and people’s well-being is guaranteed.

SOILGUARD will co-create a conceptual and analytical framework for future global assessments of soil biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The SOILGUARD Network of Knowledge and the SOILGUARDIANS app will create an ecosystem of innovation for users to share experiences.

Dr. Zoltán Tóth
Institute of Agronomy
Campus address: H-8360 Keszthely, Deák Ferenc str. 16.

MTMT: 10010873
Scopus: 58073098000